Doom and Gloom
Across all major headlines and news stations we see the same thing. We see shootings, bombings, people getting raped, sexual assault, and overall violence and blackness. That is all we see. Even just flipping on the TV in the morning to watch the weather report the first thing that I see is fat a local kid got shot by police and it is questioned if this is police brutality. All we see is the world falling apart. There is a saying among newscasters that if it bleeds it leads. News stations want to make the most money that they can. So instead of trying to just relay you the facts. The things that did happen they create a narrative to pull you in and keep you there so that they get better ratings. They warp the truth, they censor things, they point fingers and they display small things prominently. All of this warping of the truth messes with your mind. If you turn on the TV and all you see is doom and gloom it will affect you significantly. If will make you question how can we keep going on when all of this bad stuff is around. People can’t really ignore it because it is everywhere. And if they completely block it out, they will be called ignorant. In the past couple of decades and especially the past few years the only thing we really see on news stations is people died, were raped, or some other horrible tragedy that happened and maybe for a couple of minutes we see something that doesn’t have these tragedies. But there are mainly these tragedies that weight on us. They affect our daily lives and make can make us depressed. While I don’t think that we should block out these tragedies, we shouldn’t ignore the good in the world either. We shouldn’t ignore the tiny miracles of happiness that is all around us. I feel the news stations just need to relay the facts of what is happening. The good and the bad. Have an even amount of good stories and bad stories. Some people think that this world is bad. That everything in the world is bad and vile. But really there are beautiful things but the news stations don’t focus on these, because we as a society crave to be informed. And being informed is knowing all about the bad stuff and finding the good stuff by ourselves. Which can be hard because we often neglect doing that. It is easier to consume something that is already built for you instead of building it yourself.
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