Music is Magic
Music is a magical thing. It can affect you significantly. Musicians who make great music can save and share a strong feeling of love, hope, or even sadness. Today that music can reach millions of people around the globe even if they cannot travel there. Music can make you want to dance, cry, or make you calm. Most people focus on the lyrics of the song. That is the most important thing of a song that people remember.
However, words are such a small part of the music. Many people ignore the work that goes into the melody and the rhythm. The many layers of different sounds that a musician or producer will put into a song. If you were to listen to one of your favorite songs without any melody or rhythm or anything, just the lyrics. It wouldn’t sound anything close to your favorite song. You would probably be unable to identify it. But once you add that melody, you start to hear your favorite song. Now take the lyrics out, and just have the melody and the rhythm. Even without the lyrics, most people would be able to identify their favorite song. But how is this if people usually see the lyrics as the most important part of the song? In reality, lyrics aren’t that important to a song. Without the lyrics, musicians are still able to make you feel these emotions and even tell you a story.
Today the appeal of songs without lyrics has gone down because people like to be a part of the music and remember it anywhere they are. Lyrics are the easiest way to do this. But because of this shift people have stopped appreciating the things that make music other than just the lyrics. Putting greater importance on the vocals than the other parts of the music. Making lead singers more famous than their equally important base players, or guitarists. If you listen to a song, and instead of just listening to the lyrics, listen to the beat, to the various instruments used to create your favorite song, and the variations that make that song unique. You may find that there is so much more to your favorite song that you never even realized.
However, words are such a small part of the music. Many people ignore the work that goes into the melody and the rhythm. The many layers of different sounds that a musician or producer will put into a song. If you were to listen to one of your favorite songs without any melody or rhythm or anything, just the lyrics. It wouldn’t sound anything close to your favorite song. You would probably be unable to identify it. But once you add that melody, you start to hear your favorite song. Now take the lyrics out, and just have the melody and the rhythm. Even without the lyrics, most people would be able to identify their favorite song. But how is this if people usually see the lyrics as the most important part of the song? In reality, lyrics aren’t that important to a song. Without the lyrics, musicians are still able to make you feel these emotions and even tell you a story.
Today the appeal of songs without lyrics has gone down because people like to be a part of the music and remember it anywhere they are. Lyrics are the easiest way to do this. But because of this shift people have stopped appreciating the things that make music other than just the lyrics. Putting greater importance on the vocals than the other parts of the music. Making lead singers more famous than their equally important base players, or guitarists. If you listen to a song, and instead of just listening to the lyrics, listen to the beat, to the various instruments used to create your favorite song, and the variations that make that song unique. You may find that there is so much more to your favorite song that you never even realized.
This is very interesting and something I had never considered before. I, like many people, tend to focus on the lyrics rather than the melody of a song. But when faced with the decision of music without words or singing without background music, I would hands down shoes the former. I think you are right about people over exaggerating the importance of lyrics and lead singers at the expense of other band members and although I wish that these other talented people would get the recognition they deserve, I doubt that they will get it any time soon.