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Affects of Media on Men
Not only are women significantly affected by the media but also men. The actors on TV, the models on the front of magazines, and the pictures swirling all around us also hurt men. The photographs and actors have perfect jawlines, flawless skin and most prominently are lean and quite muscular. Any love story or several different types of movies the main male character is muscular. And in at least one scene they show of the abs or other muscles of the man. This paints the picture that you have to be muscular to get the girls. Men that are not that muscular may look at an actor or a model and see what that person has and what they don’t. Similar to the women this hurts the men mentally. They start to hate the parts of their bodies that don’t look like the models, which causes depression however, they are trapped. They aren’t allowed to outwardly show their emotions. They aren’t allowed to show ”weakness”. They aren’t allowed to cry because the media always shows men as being the strong people. They can’t show their emotions because that would make them weak and “less of a man”. So they are trapped. They are stuck in this bubble of their own emotion. Keeping everything in in fear of being perceived as weak and less of a man. Suppressing your feelings and not showing them can turn a person to violence. It can also mentally damage you which can lead to physical hurt. Not being able to talk about your emotions is wearing and can make a person depressed. The media is breeding strong time bombs that could snap at any moment if they don’t talk about their feelings. Overall, the media has a substantial negative effect on men and their emotions.
I feel like their has become a stereotypical male figure in almost all forms of media. This man follows your guidelines. He is tall, muscular, has a sharp jawline, is tan, has flowy hair, has no problems, etc. This puts extreme pressure on males to meet that figure, because that is the only figure depicted. On another level, this effects women, because they feel as though they can only be with that one type of guy, and anything else might be unacceptable.