
    Throughout our daily lives, companies through advertisement are trying to make us buy. But they can’t broadcast a universal message to everyone and appease everyone with the same message. So what they do is narrowcast. They take a specific demographic and physiographic and narrowcast their message to them. I see this a lot when I am on YouTube. The commercials that play before and during the videos that I watch vary from video to video. Like when I’m watching Cinema-Sins, which are videos that point out the flaws in movies, the commercials that are played are mostly movie ads. This is completely different from the ads that I see when I search up videos on how to play guitar. The ads there are mainly focused on guitars and music. This makes sense because the videos that people watch are most likely the things that they are interested in. So in playing advertisements before and during videos that share similar content you hit a very specific group of people. This group of people is the most likely to be interested in your product and much more likely to buy it than someone who isn’t I retesting in your product. In doing this not only does advertising become more efficient but it also saves money on advertising. I am much more likely to relate or like a product that relates to things I like to watch than some random commercial. Overall, narrowcasting on YouTube is a smart decision and ensures that you hit a very specific group.


  1. I see what you're saying about the ads before videos being targeted towards viewers of those specific videos, and I agree that this is a very good choice on the part of advertisers. I do think however, that it could be really interesting to see how these ads might change from individual to individual based on our search history as a whole, not just one video that we're currently watching.


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